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Boozy Peppermint Hot Chocolate and other Holiday Drinks

The stores have put out all their Christmas decorations already and I am not even mad about it. I love the holidays. I love the decorations, music and all the peppermint treats! My favorite peppermint indulgence is this boozy peppermint hot chocolate. I created it after tasting a delicious peppermint hot chocolate at one of my favorite baristas. I thought it was perfect but missing one thing. Bourbon, of course! This drink is a great night cap on those cold nights to share with your spouse after putting the kids to bed or, my favorite, to bring to your favorite holiday parties.


1/2 cup cocoa powder

4 cups of milk

1/2 cup of semisweet chocolate chips

2 candy canes crushed

1/4 cup of bourbon


Take 2 candy canes and place them in a storage bag and crush them with a rolling pin.

I like to use Hefty® Slider Storage bags because of their strength and durability do to their MaxLock® track design. I always find them at my local Walmart and find that they cost less than Ziplock® Slider bags. Visit the Ibotta Rebate Page for a Hefty® Slider Bag Rebate!

Next, add cocoa powder to a saucepan and slowly whisk in the milk.

When everything is incorporated add the chocolate chips. Stir until the mixture comes to a simmer.

Do not let it boil or you will burn the milk and chocolate.

Remove from the heat and add about 3/4 of the candy canes you crushed in your Hefty® Slider Bags and the bourbon.

Finish this drink with a little whipped cream and crushed candy cane pieces.

For bringing to a holiday party you can prepare ahead of time and keep warm in a large thermos or double the recipe and bring in a large crockpot. It's sure to be a crowd pleaser.

Enjoy and happy holidays!

More Fabulous Holiday Drinks

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Bourbon Apple Cider Cocktail

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Christmas Cranberry Mimosa

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© 2016 by The Bluegrass Mom. 

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